Tag: Astrology


Most Powerful & Effective Surya Mantras


Surya also known as Aditya, Bhanu or Ravi Vivasvana in Sanskrit, and in AvestanVivanhant, is the chief solar deity in Hinduism and generally refers to the Sun in Nepal and India. Surya is the chief of the Navagraha, the nine Classical planets and important elements of Hindu astrology. He is often depicted riding a chariot harnessed by seven horses which might represent the seven colors of the rainbow or the seven chakras in the body.

Surya mantras address Sun god. Sun is called Pratyaksha Devata or the god who is visibly seen in front of the eyes.


 Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah


  • “Om Asva Dhvajaya Vidmahe Pasa Hastaya Dhimahi Tanno Suryah Prachodayaat”

Meaning: I learn about the Lord with horse flag and meditate on the one with a noose in his hands. Let Lord Surya illumine my intellect.

  • “Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahadyudikaraaya Dhimahi Tanno Aditya Prachodayaat”

Meaning: I learn about the one who is the source of light and meditate on the one who is so effulgent. Let Lord Aditya illumine my intellect.

  • “Om Adityaya Vidmahe Sahasra Kiranaya Dhimahi Tanno Surya Prachodayaat”

Meaning: I learn about Lord Aditya and the meditate on the one with thousands of rays. Let Lord Surya illumine my intellect.


Om Namo Shri Suryaaya Sahasra Kiranaaya
Siddhi Siddhi Karaaya Man Vanchit Puraaya
Kashtam Churaayaam Om Hreem Suryaaya Namo Namaha


  • Select the mantra you like from the list of Surya mantras
  • Begin the mantra chanting on a Sunday during Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon).
  •  Sit on a red cloth facing the sun.
  •  Light a lamp preferably with ghee.
  •  Begin the chanting process after worshipping Guru, Ganesh, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Surya Dev.
  • Recite the Surya mantra for 10,000 times in one stretch to attain the power bestowed by the Surya mantra
  • Once this procedure is completed, maintain the practice of chanting Surya Mantra at least 108 times a day facing the sun throughout your life.
  • To get the fullest benefits of Surya mantra, observe the procedure for 4 times on Sundays repeating the same procedure.

To Know more in details, you can contact me.

Thank you

Dr Sai Suvajit

About Me

Hailing from a Brahmin family of North-East India, Dr Sai Suvajit Acharjee has more than 13 years of experience & expertise in Vedic Astrology; his family has been practising astrology since the past 3 generations. He holds a PhD from California and an Engineering Degree from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

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