The Heart line

The Heart line

The heart lineĀ starts from under the mount of Mercury(little finger) and to the mount of Jupiter. The Heart line is related to sentiments, emotion, attitude towards love, attraction, sexual matters and condition of heart organ health. The Heart line reveals more responsibility. The ideal Heart…

The line of Head & Mentality

The line of Head & Mentality

The lineof head or Mentalitystarts from the beginning of the life line and slopes slightly between the mount of lower Mars and Moon. It is the most important line in the whole palm and represents the central nervous system. It determines the characteristics and mentality…

The line of life

The line of life

The line of lifeĀ is the line which runs from just below the mount of Jupiter round the base of the thumb or the mount of Venus towards the wrist. The level of activity is reflected from this line. From this line, length of the life…